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Personal Profile
"Find Your Key Leverage to Win Your Case"
This is Stephan Hutagaol's ultimate strategy that has enabled hundreds of reputable clients bring their opponents to the negotiating table, settle outstanding debts & win legal cases in billions.
Stephan Hutagaol is the Founding Partner of CHP Law Firm.
As a Senior Partner, he has 6 (six) professional expertise:
● Commercial & Corporate Transaction
● Criminal Police Cases
● Commercial Litigation (AR Claim Settlement, Business Dispute & Breach of Agreement)
● Bankruptcy & Suspension of Debt Payment
● Property & Land Dispute
● Mining & Natural Resources
● Shipping & Logistic Related
All of these capabilities aim to enable clients to:
● Successfully finalize the transactions & mitigate risks.
● Obtain settlements for outstanding debts.
Before establishing CHP Law Firm in August 2015, Stephan Hutagaol spent 12 (twelve) years of his professional career as:
Stephan Hutagaol has handled high-profile corporate clients, some of them are:
● Chipolbrok Group Singapura (Chipolbrok Group)
● Kase Logistic(s) Pte. Ltd. (Kase Group)
● iHandal Energy Solutions Sdn. Bhd. (iHandal Group)
● Humpuss Group
● Jababeka Group
● Jobubu Group
● Julong Group
● Lippo Group
● PT. Buana Listya Tama, Tbk. (Danatama Group)
● PT ECL Logistics Indonesia (Japan Logistic)
● PT Ifishdeco, Tbk. (Sekar Group)
● PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati, Tbk. (Indika Group)
● PT Pelita Samudera Shipping, Tbk (IMC Group)
● PT. Perdana Gapuraprima, Tbk. (Gapuraprima Group)
... and many others.
Stephan Hutagaol completed his law studies & achieved:
● Bachelor of Law at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, with a Bachelor of Law (SH.) degree.
● Master of Notary at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, with a Master of Notary (M.Kn.) degree.
● Master of Police Science (KIK) Studies at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, with a Master of Science (M.Si.) degree.
The areas of law Stephan specializes in are:
● Commercial & Corporate Transactions (commercial terms, joint venture, shareholders arrangement, transaction agreement drafting, assets & companies acquisition, sale & purchase, lease, build operate transfer, and various transaction agreements which essentially focus on the transaction deal & mitigate the potential risk).
● Commercial Litigation (account receivable claim settlement, breach of agreements, business dispute litigation, especially in criminal police cases)
With an Advocate license obtained from PERADI (Indonesian Advocates Association), Stephan Hutagaol can practice in all Indonesian private & public courts:
● Arbitration (BANI)
● Commercial Court (Pengadilan Niaga)
● District Court (Pengadilan Negeri)
● High Court (Pengadilan Tinggi
● Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung)
● State Administrative Court (Pengadilan TUN)
There are 6 (six) types of legal action options:
● Arbitration
● Civil Lawsuit
● Small Claim Court
● Bankruptcy
● PKPU (Suspension of Debt Payment)
● Police Criminal Report
Each legal action has unique characteristics.
It is crucial to identify the leverage within each proceeding to optimize client results.
Additionally, there are specific debtors & accounts receivable claims traits based on factual documents. These factors, particularly leverage, play a significant role in achieving the client's objective to obtain payment or reach a settlement.
As cases become more complex, lawyers must possess expertise in multiple disciplines beyond mere "know-how." Effective communication skills & strong relationships are essential to successfully resolving issues & cases.
This drives Stephan Hutagaol to pursue further education, obtaining licenses as a Bankruptcy Lawyer & Administrator in PKPU & certification as a Legal Auditor, allowing him to provide clients with comprehensive legal advice.
Having practiced law for 20 years, Stephan Hutagaol is aware of his personal strength, which has successfully facilitated corporate transactions & won crucial litigation cases for clients as plaintiff, defendant, petitioner & respondent.
Those strengths are:
● Listening, analyzing & concluding to identify the core issue at hand.
● Seeing from the client's perspective for enabling explanation in business language (profit & loss) that is understandable to the client.
● Goal aligning & delivering to achieve the client's desired result & make it a reality.
● Mastering various basic types & characteristics of transactions to understand how to win a case.
● Finding the leverage to pressure the opponents to secure victory.
● Top quality work, doing everything right & on time.
● Challenge the usual way, change the status quo & challenge the usual approach.
Because of the above strengths, clients say that Stephan Hutagaol is reliable, trustworthy, confident & crucial.
1. Bankruptcy (Trustee in Bankruptcy) & Board Member at PKPU (Administrator) from AKPI (Association of Indonesian Trustee in Bankruptcy & Administrator), appointed through the Ministry of Law & Human Rights.
This is an official license to be appointed as the Bankruptcy Lawyer & Administrator at PKPU (suspension of debt payment obligations).
With this license, the Curator & Administrator are entitled to handle bankrupt estates & manage the assets of the debtor when the Bankruptcy/PKPU application is granted.
If a company is declared bankrupt or under PKPU, the Lawyer can represent creditors to register their claims. With a license as a Bankruptcy Lawyer & Administrator in PKPU, the client will benefit from information, explanations & strategies to settle their claims.
There are 2 (two) additional functions that can be obtained as a licensed Bankruptcy Lawyer & Administrator in PKPU, which is appointed by AKPI as:
● Curator in the bankruptcy proceedings of a company that will be liquidated, or
● Administrator in the PKPU of a company undergoing debt restructuring.
With a combination of mastery of the intricacies of bankruptcy, the process of winning cases involving bad debts & business disputes becomes even greater.
2. Certified Legal Auditor from ASAHI (Association of Indonesian Legal Auditors)
Legal experts, Advocates & Lawyers are often asked for Legal Opinions (LO). However, Advocates & Lawyers have no uniform standard for an LO.
As a Legal Auditor, in principle, the Lawyer conducts a legal audit or legal review or Legal Due Diligence (LDD) by referring to the Special Job Competency Standards for the Legal Auditor Profession, which are:
1. Reviewing & identifying the purpose of the legal audit assignment.
2. Planning the legal audit.
3. Requesting confirmation of the legal audit plan.
4. Collecting data & information.
5. Analyzing the collected data & information.
6. Preparing a legal audit report.
7. Delivering the legal audit report.
In the future, companies that want to be legally audited will require the services of a Certified Legal Auditor, whose results are recognized & become a standard in Legal Audit (similar to PSAK, Financial Accounting Standards which are identified in the auditing profession, thus the Special Job Competency Standards for the Legal Auditor Profession are recognized in the Legal Audit profession).
Companies that intend to engage in a merger or acquisition need to conduct a legal review/audit to ascertain the legal standing of the asset targets & the target companies that will be merged or acquired. The legal review will enable the company to mitigate risks & potentially renegotiate commercial terms based on the outcome of the legal due diligence, resulting in benefits for the client.
Advocates & Lawyers with "x-ray vision" abilities are needed to unveil & fully comprehend the inner side of the company (the good & the bad). Additionally, the attorney must possess exceptional commercial & legal analytical skills to serve the client's best interests.
Being a member of a reputable legal organization is crucial for having a broad reach in the legal world of Indonesia. Stephan Hutagaol's membership in such an organization includes:
1. AKPI Board (Association of Indonesian Curators & Administrators)
As an AKPI administrator, it is easier to access information related to bankruptcy/PKPU proceedings & to locate creditors who have claims against the same debtor. Furthermore, being a part of AKPI facilitates the asset-selling process & debt settlement.
2. Member of PERADI (Indonesian Advocates Association)
PERADI is an organization that houses Advocates & facilitates discussions among them. Through PERADI, communication among Advocates & Lawyers can be better received & fostered.
3. Member of AAI (Indonesian Advocates Association)
Many Advocates & Lawyers are members of AAI, one of the predecessor organizations that established PERADI.
Being part of AAI establishes a broader network in the circle of Advocates, enabling easier communication among Advocates & Lawyers. This facilitates the negotiation process & achieving the goals of clients.
4. The First Member of WILL (Worldwide Independent Lawyers League) from Indonesia
Stephan actively participates in the monthly WILL Asia Pacific meetings with lawyers from countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Australia & Dubai.
Through WILL, Stephan has handled Affidavits of Indonesian Law for heirs who need to transfer rights to WNI (Indonesian citizen) assets overseas. He has also assisted in a joint venture between a Singaporean & Malaysian client doing business & partnering with companies in Indonesia.
Referensi: WILL (Worldwide Independent Lawyers League
Stephan's various skills are reflected in CHP'S achievements, which have resulted in the law firm receiving notable recognition in 2022. CHP Law Firm was awarded:
● Indonesia's Top 10 Largest Litigation Practice Law Firms ranked 9 out of 10.
● Indonesia's Top 100 Largest Full-Service Law Firms ranked 88 out of 100.
Regarding CHP Law Firm's vision for the next 3-5 years, Stephan aims to establish CHP as a sizeable boutique firm in several major cities in Indonesia apart from Jakarta, namely Surabaya, Medan, Semarang & Makassar, which have Commercial Courts.
1 (one) favorite quote & becomes the guide to achieving the vision ...
"If you win the heart, you win the man.When you give a clear & honest explanation of the case,the client is attached & trusts you."
To Your Business Success,
Stephan Hutagaol, S.H., M.Kn., M.Si., CLA.
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Di Sesi ini Anda Mendapatkan Insight Penilaian Risiko, Opsi yang Dimiliki dan Jalan Keluar Masalah