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Personal Profile
"Thinking Out of The Box Strategy, Changing The Conventional Way"
This is Adhistya Christyanto's exceptional ability that caused many high-profile clients to succeed in recovering account receivables & avoided hundreds of billions of claims.
Adhistya Christyanto is Founding Partners of CHP Law Firm.
As a Senior Partner, he has 5 professional expertise:
● Commercial Litigation (business dispute resolutions, account receivable claims & breach of contract).
● Bankruptcy & Suspension of Debt Payment
● Shipping & Maritime Law
● Commercial Criminal Cases
● Arbitration
All of these expertise aim to enable clients to:
● Earning payments from uncollectible debts in a legal way, and
● Avoid losses on transactions, agreements, or commercial agreements.
Before establishing CHP Law Firm in August 2015, Adhistya Christyanto spent 8 years of his professional career as:
Adhistya Christyanto has handled many high-profile corporate clients since founded CHP Law Firm. Some of the big names are:
... and many more.
Adhistya Christyanto or known by his short name Adhist, completed his studies & earned:
● Bachelor of Law from the University of Atma Jaya, Jakarta, with a Bachelor of Laws (SH.) degree.
● Master of Business Management from the Binus International Business School, Jakarta, with a Master of Management (MM) degree.
The areas of law he specializes in are:
● Commercial Litigation (business disputes litigation, accounts payable claim & breach of conntract), and
● Bankruptcy & PKPU (representing creditors & debtors in bankruptcy proceedings & suspension of debt payment obligations at the Commercial Court).
With an advocate license obtained from PERADI (Indonesian Advocates Association), Adhistya Christyanto can practice in all Indonesian public courts:
● District Court
● High Court
● Supreme Court
● State Administrative Court
● Commercial Court (for bankruptcy)
There are 6 (six) types of legal action options:
● Lawsuit
● Arbitration
● Simple Lawsuit
● PKPU (Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations) & Bankruptcy
● Criminal Report to the Police.
The increasing complexity of legal issues requires every lawyer to master multi-discipline knowledge that directly intersects with case handling or legal material.
This motivates Adhistya Christyanto to continue his studies to obtain several prestigious licenses & certifications to handle clients in totality.
Further studies acquired:
In the next section, we will go deeper into licensing & certification of these 3 (three) things.
Since practicing as a lawyer for more than 17 years, Adhistya Christyanto is aware of his strength, which has been proven to win crucial cases for clients, both as a plaintiff & a defendant.
Those strengths are:
● Legal instinct to anticipate the opponent's move & its consequences.
● Quickly get to the point of the issue, get the facts, see the issue, & get the whole truth out of the client.
● Always think out of the box, change the status quo & challenge the usual approach.
● Total immersion, complete determination & all out in handling all legal cases.
● Providing reliability & a sense of security to clients.
Because of the above strengths, clients say Adhistya Christyanto is a dependable, credible, self-assured & critical person.
I always think out of the box, out of the flow. I used to learn from Mr. Hotman Paris, I was taught like this, "You should never be affected by the atmosphere orflow that has been formed in a case,have to think out of the box."
1. Bankruptcy Administrator (Trustee in Bankruptcy & Administrator) from AKPI (Indonesian Bankruptcy Trustees And Administrators Association), appointed by the state through the Ministry of Law & Human Rights.
This is a license as a trustee & administrator in handling bankruptcy.
With this license, the trustee can act to manage & settle bankruptcy assets by selling assets & distributing payment obligations to creditors.
Or vice versa, if a company is declared bankrupt or PKPU, then a lawyer with a license as Curator can represent creditors who have receivables to register their bills & follow the entire bankruptcy & PKPU process correctly & without obstacles.
There are 2 (two) more functions that can be obtained as a licensed Curator, namely:
● Trustee to settle the assets of a debtor declared bankrupt, or
● Administrator in PKPU (Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations) to manage bills from creditors so that debtors can carry out debt restructuring.
With a combination of mastering the ins and outs of bankruptcy & PKPU, the process of winning bad debt cases & business disputes becomes even more significant.
2. Certified Legal Auditor from ASAHI (Association of Indonesian Legal Auditors)
When a company wants to merge or acquire another company, legal due diligence is necessary to avoid potential problems & losses in the future.
Legal Auditor certification carries out the legal due diligence related to legal aspects, including:
● Permits
● Assets
● Agreements with third parties
● Potential cases in several Indonesian courts.
As a reminder, when a company merger or acquisition takes place, what is gained is not only assets & profit projections, but it also bears the obligations & risks of the company that is the target of the merger/acquisition.
It takes Lawyers with the 'see through' eye ability to 'strip down' & see the 'inside' of the company - the good & the bad.
3. Certified Tax Lawyers (Tax Advocate) from IKHAPI (Association of Indonesian Tax Lawyers & Advocates)
A company or legal entity that has undergone a tax audit & received a tax decree, has 2 (two) choices, accept the decree or file an objection by appealing to the Tax Court.
To have broad reach in the Indonesian legal world, being a member of a reputable advocate organization is crucial. Membership owned by Adhistya Christyanto:
1. Member of AAI (Indonesian Advocates Association)
AAI is the most prominent advocate organization with the most number of members.
Being in AAI has built an extensive network in the world of advocates.
When handling a particular case from the networks built, a force of the opposing adversary can be read and anticipated.
2. Member of AKPI (Indonesian Bankruptcy Trustees And Administrators Association)
In every bankruptcy case, a Trustee will be appointed by the Court for settlement, namely selling assets, receiving payments & distributing them to all creditors.
As a Lawyer and a member of AKPI, it is easy for Adhistya to know & communicate with because he comes from one organization, one alma mater.
This condition builds higher trust, so settling bills will be more effective.
The various abilities that Adhist has, are reflected in the achievements of the CHP, which ultimately produce proud results, namely in 2022, the CHP Law Firm was awarded:
● Indonesia's Top 10 Largest Litigation Practice Law Firms ranked 9 out of 10.
● Indonesia's Top 100 Largest Full-Service Law Firm ranked 88 out of 100.
Talking about the vision for the CHP Law Firm for the next 3-5 years, Adhisyta wants to make CHP a Top 25 Law Firm in Indonesia.
1 (one) favorite quote as a guide to life & achieving the vision...
"All the best blessing from God is already installed in us,
all we have to do is just learn to activate them."
To Your Business Success,
Adhistya Christyanto, SH., MM., CLA., CTA.
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Di Sesi ini Anda Mendapatkan Insight Penilaian Risiko, Opsi yang Dimiliki dan Jalan Keluar Masalah